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Table 3 Frequency of underlying anemia etiologies

From: A new diagnostic work-up for defining anemia etiologies: a cohort study in patients ≥ 50 years in general practices

Underlying etiology

Singlea (n = 2430)

Multiplea (n = 903)

Totalb (n = 4152)

Anemia of chronic disease

1536 (68)

728 (32)

2264 (54.5)

Renal anemia

130 (23)

441 (77)

571 (13.8)

Iron deficiency anemia

646 (82)

146 (18)

792 (19.1)


8 (35)

15 (65)

23 (0.6)

Suspected hemolysis

20 (17)

101 (83)

121 (2.9)

Suspected bone marrow disease

38 (12)

274 (88)

312 (7.5)

Vitamin B12 deficiency

49 (24)

153 (76)

202 (4.9)

Folic acid deficiency

3 (6)

44 (94)

47 (1.1)

  1. aCount (percentage of total count of etiology), bCount (percentage of total study cohort)