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Table 3 Main domains identified in included reviews of patient perceptions

From: Evidence for deprescription in primary care through an umbrella review

Reeve (2013) [24]

Appropriateness Dis/agreement with the appropriateness of cessation. Barrier: Experience and fear of side effects, lack of efficacy, fear of addiction/dependency, etc. Enablers: lack of effectiveness, experience of side effects, fear of addiction.

Process: Barrier: lack of time or support. Enablers: Knowledge that they could restart medication, follow-up/primary care physician support available, physician support (time spent)

Influences: individuals/events that could influence patients’ decisions to cease medication.

Fear: Barrier: fear of cessation (worsening condition, withdrawal reaction, etc.).

Dislike: Enablers: the inconvenience of taking medication, cost of purchasing, etc.

Sirdifield (2017) [25]

Patient’s negative perceptions of insomnia and its impact: perceptions of insomnia, consequences, etc.

Failed self-care strategies: patients cope with their problems in other ways (distract themselves, lifestyle changes,…)

Triggers to medical help-seeking: medical consultations were triggered by significant life events

Attitudes towards treatment options and service provision: what patients wanted/expected from health professionals.

Varying patterns of use: Although the majority of patients take medicine as prescribed, some of them minimize its use.

Withdrawal: Withdrawal strategies

Reason for initial or ongoing use: the medication was effective in the first instance.