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Table 1 Eligibility criteria for the policies and strategies

From: Identifying policies and strategies for general practitioner retention in direct patient care in the United Kingdom: a RAND/UCLA appropriateness method panel study

Inclusion criteria:

 1. Policies and strategies extrapolated from key sources regarding areas reported by research, national policy or equivalent publications as relevant to maximising GP retention. The intervention(s) proposed or tested may also be within the context of increasing job satisfaction which was considered to be an influential factor for GP retention.

 2. Policies and strategies addressing known barriers and facilitators to increasing GP retention, reducing intention to leave, or encouraging re-entry into direct patient care.

 3. Policies and strategies drawn from existing schemes or approaches directed at increasing GP retention, reducing intention to leave, or encouraging re-entry into direct patient care.

Exclusion criteria:

 1. Policies and strategies which did not fit the UK general practice context in terms of how general practice commissioning is managed, and/or GPs and practices provide care.

 2. It is known that it would take more than 5 years to implement the relevant policies and strategies (irrespective of whether direct impacts on GP retention rates could be quickly realised there afterwards).

 3. Policies and strategies which are not described in current research and policy documents. The latter includes innovations that might be plausibly be used to facilitate GP retention but where were currently untested or not specified within the literature.