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Table 1 Demographic data for the study group (n = 111)

From: Diagnostic methods for acute otitis media in 1 to 12 year old children: a cross sectional study in primary health care

Gender (female) % (n)

43% (48/111)

Age (years)1

47 (11)

Clinical role % (n)

 General practitioner

68% (75/111)

 Specialist trainee in primary care

32% (36/111)

Work experience (years)2

12 (9.7) -- 10 (3.0–20)

Number of assessed children per month % (n)

  < 5

36% (38/106)


60% (64/106)

  > 15

3.8% (4/106)

Access to all diagnostic methods3

81% (90/111)

Not access to % (n):


0% (0/111)

 pneumatic otoscopy

7.2% (8/111)


5.4% (6/111)


2.7% (3/111)

 pneumatic otoscopy + otomicroscopy

0.0090% (1/111)

  otomicroscopy + tympanometry

0.0090% (1/111)

  unsure about other methods than otoscopy

1.8% (2/111)

  1. 1 Mean (SD). Available for analysis (n = 110)
  2. 2 The first figure is the mean value (SD). The second figure is the median (25:th - 75:th percentile)
  3. 3 Otoscopy, pneumatic otoscopy, otomicroscopy and tympanometry