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Table 2 The most frequently asked clinical questions’ types with examples from the included questions

From: Role of professional networks on social media in addressing clinical questions at general practice: a cross-sectional study of general practitioners in Australia and New Zealand

Question Type


No (%)

Example Treatment

Efficacy or indications of a treatment (but not limited to drug treatment)

How should I treat finding/condition y (given situation z)?

What is the efficacy of treatment/procedure x (for condition y)?

34 (16.7%)

What are the treatment options for a second therapy for H. pylori infection after a failure with Nexium Hp7? Management

Management of a condition or finding (not specifying diagnostic or therapeutic management)

How should I manage condition/finding/situation y?

What management options are there in situation y?

28 (13.7%)

How should I manage ilioinguinal nerve entrapment? Diagnosis

Cause or interpretation of unspecified or multiple clinical findings

Could this patient have condition y given these findings?

What is the differential diagnosis of these findings?

What is the likelihood that this patient has condition y given these findings?

23 (11.3%)

Middle-age diabetic lady with osteoarthritis and chronic skin changes. She presented with a recent papules (non-itchy, rough, and translucent). No history of insect bites, new drugs. What is the differential diagnosis for her condition? Treatment

Efficacy or indications of a drug or drug of choice

Is drug x indicated in situation y or for condition y?

What are the indications for drug x?

What is the drug of choice for condition y?

16 (7.8%)

Is Liraglutide indicated in a female non-diabetic patient with BMI of 38? Management

Practices of other providers

How do other providers manage condition y?

Why did provider x treat the patient this way?

11 (5.4%)

How many of you prescribe dietary modification as first line management of mild hypertension? If yes, do you give general or specific dietary advice? Diagnosis

Indication or efficacy of a test (e.g. lab, imaging, physical exam)

Is test x indicated in situation y?

What is the best test in situation y?

10 (4.9%)

Is joint aspiration for every suspected case of recurrent gout is needed to confirm the diagnosis if considering long term urate-lowering therapy? Diagnosis

Accuracy of a test (e.g. lab, imaging, physical exam)

How good is test x in situation y?

What are the performance characteristics (sensitivity, specificity, etc.) of test x in situation y?

8 (3.9%)

How good is Bone scan compared to CT scane in detecting a suspected stress fracture in the foot with a normal X-ray. Treatment

Adverse effects of a treatment

Are these findings can be caused by a drug or adverse effects of drug?

7 (3.4%)

A patients with rheumatoid arthritis on adalimumab, presented with a tendon rupture. Could this be a side effect of adalimumab? Treatment

Contraindications of a treatment

What are the safety issues or contraindications of treatment x (includes pregnancy and breast feeding)?

5 (2.5%)

Middle-age diabetic female patient on Metformin with mild microalbuminuria and normal creatinine. Is NSAIDs contraindicated in this patients due to renal complications? Diagnosis

Cause or interpretation of specified clinical findings (e.g. symptoms)

What is the cause of symptom x?

Could symptom x be condition y or be a result of condition y?

5 (2.5%)

Asymptomatic middle-age lady presented with acute-onset of midline painless lump in the palate. What is the cause of this? Could be mucinous cyst?