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Table 2 Questions about physicians’ attitudes, beliefs and behaviour towards psychotropic drug prescribing. All questions except the last had five possible replies: the endpoints are shown. Figures are n (% of non-missing) for replies, and n (% of all respondents, n = 516) for missing

From: Attitudes and behaviour towards psychotropic drug prescribing in Swedish primary care: a questionnaire study














1 Which do you find easier: starting or stopping prescribing psychotropics?

Starting much easier (1)

Stopping much easier


81 (16)

237 (46)

158 (31)

31 (6)

9 (2)

0 (0)

2 In your experience, are the problems you treat with psychotropics more social/economic, rather than medical?

Yes, very often (1)

No, very rarely (5)

23 (4)

173 (34)

110 (21)

154 (30)

54 (11)

2 (0)

3 How do you feel about changing a colleague’s psychotropic prescription?

Very difficult (1)

Very easy (5)

25 (5)

173 (34)

189 (37)

108 (21)

20 (4)

1 (0)

4 Do you believe your patients perceive expensive psychotropics as being more or less effective than cheap ones?

Much more effective (1)

Much less effective (5)

25 (5)

152 (30)

319 (63)

9 (2)

3 (1)

8 (2)

5 In your experience, how do health care staff behave towards patients who use psychotropics, compared to their behaviour towards other patients?

Much better (1)

Much worse (5)

0 (0)

14 (3)

362 (71)

132 (26)

5 (1)

3 (1)

6 When working in primary care, do you prescribe psychotropics that have recently appeared on the market?

Yes, very often (1)

No, very rarely (5)

2 (0)

16 (3)

39 (8)

202 (39)

257 (50)

0 (0)

7 In your opinion, are new psychotropics more effective than older ones?

Much more effective (1)

Much less effective (5)

6 (1)

167 (33)

308 (62)

17 (3)

1 (0)

17 (3)

8 If your patient has dose-dispensed drugs, do you ever repeat several prescriptions at the same time, without assessing each individual prescription?

Yes, very often (1)

No, very rarely (5)

14 (3)

114 (22)

66 (13)

180 (35)

138 (27)

4 (1)

9 In mild psychiatric disease, what kind of treatment do you consider most suitable: psychotherapy (PT) or psychotropic drugs (PD)?

PT much more suitable


PD much more suitable


192 (38)

213 (42)

78 (16)

16 (3)

4 (1)

13 (3)






10 Keeping symptoms constant, how much do you suppose psychotropic prescribing varies between different GP practices?

It varies considerably (1)

It varies negligibly (3)a

224 (44)

251 (50)

29 (6)


12 (2)

  1. aThe last question had 3 possible replies