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Table 1 Search Terms

From: Family physicians perceived role in perinatal mental health: an integrative review

Search Terms

“family practi*” OR “family physician” OR “family practice” OR “physicians, family” OR “primary health care” OR “physicians, primary care” OR “family doctor” OR “general practi*” AND “mental disorder” OR “adjustment disorder” OR “affective disorder” OR “dysthymic disorder” OR “mood disorder” OR psychiat* OR “behaviour control” OR “psychological phenomena” OR depression OR “mental health” OR “stress disorder” OR “anxiety disorder” OR “maternal welfare” OR “maternal health” OR “mental hygiene” OR bipolar OR “obsessive compulsive disorder” OR psychosis OR “psychological distress” OR “somatic disorder” OR “somatoform disorder” OR “mental illness” OR “emotional distress” OR “emotional care” OR “maternal distress” OR “psychosocial wellbeing” OR PTSD OR OCD AND antenatal OR antepartum OR prenatal OR pregnancy OR perinatal OR postnatal OR postpartum OR puerperal.