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Table 3 Summary of findings for experiences and perceptions of using the MINI

From: The Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview is useful and well accepted as part of the clinical assessment for depression and anxiety in primary care: a mixed-methods study

Main category







Corresponding item in the questionnaires

Perceived strengths of the MINI

Structured format and detailed questions that often capture the problem


P4, P10, I2

The MINI does not evoke negative emotions


MINI does not evoke emotions

P3, P5, I8

Perceived advantages of using the MINI for GPs

More accurate diagnoses facilitate the work of the GP


A useful standard test for deeper investigations and selected patients

Perceived advantages of using the MINI for patients

New insight into the problem


P2, P9, I5

The MINI is mostly meaningful

P1, P6, I10

The MINI may lead to better treatment


Perceived weaknesses of the MINI

It is a constraint to only answer yes and no


Some questions are problematic, and some common problems are not covered

The results of the MINI may be biased

P8, I7

The duration of the MINI as a potential concern

The duration was acceptable

The MINI most often takes a short period of time


Time recording


It could be problematic to fit the MINI into the GP consultation scheme


The MINI is an additional tool and a personal contact with the interviewer is important

The MINI is just one part of the diagnostic procedure and its role must be explained

P7, I6, I9

The personal contact is important for most patients

  1. Categories that are similar across the participant groups, patients, interviewers (therapists or GPs) and referring GPs are placed on the same row; empty space indicates that the subject was not discussed