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Table 1 Process from natural meaning units to development of the central themes by using systematic text condensation

From: Exercising alcohol patients don’t lack motivation but struggle with structures, emotions and social context - a qualitative dropout study

Natural meaning units


Central themes

Running is boring

Type of exercise

Structural barriers

Running caused pain in my knee and back

I prioritized my family and job


The treatment itself was enough time and energy consuming

I needed somebody to encourage me

Need for commitment

Social barriers

Running with others would motivate me

There was no feeling of communion in the group

I needed support from the group members

Unsupportive relations

My family did not support me

I have no family

I feared that I could not perform as well as the others in the group

Fear, guilt and shame

Emotional barriers

I used to look good

I was used to exercising a lot in the past, but not anymore

The intervention reminded me of my alcohol problem

Negative affect

I don’t need help anymore