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Table 2 Methodical quality of the included studies

From: The differential diagnosis of tiredness: a systematic review

+ Yes

Was the recruitment of patients prospective?

Where all patients with the symptom included in the study?

Are inclusion and exclusion criteria precisely defined?

Was the study design multicentered?

Were the number of drop-outs and the reasons for withdrawal specified?

Were the diagnostic categories well-defined?

Was the reference standard that was used appropriate?

Was every patient subjected to the reference standard?

Were the same diagnostic procedures applied to all patients?

Was there an appropriate comparison group?

− No

? Unclear

+/−Criteria fulfilled for part of the aetiologies

Andrea, 2003 [48]






Belanger, 2005 [51]










Cathebras, 1992 [2]









Darbishire, 2003 [11]










Elnicki, 1992 [18]








Friedlander, 1962 [43]




Fuhrer, 1994 [5]











Gerber, 1992 [14]









Gialamas, 2003 [49]








Hall, 1994 [19]





Jerrett, 1981 [16]








Kenter, 2003 [21]








Kenter, 2007 [12]











Kirk, 1990 [30]










Knottnerus, 1986 [24]










Koch, 2009 [35]










Kroenke, 1989 [46]






Maeno, 2002 [20]









Morrell, 1972 [29]







Morrison, 1980 [15]






Nelson, 1987 [45]







Nijrolder, 2009 [22]








Ridsdale, 1993 [47]









Sugarman, 1984 [17]








Valdini, 1989 [13]








Vital Durand, 2004 [50]






