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Table 3 Baseline characteristics of 54 general practitioners

From: Impact of patient education on chronic heart failure in primary care (ETIC): a cluster randomised trial


Intervention Group (n = 27)

Control Group (n = 27)

Gender male, n (%)

17 (63)

20 (74.1)

Age (years), mean (SD)

50.2 (7.9)

51.6 (7.3)

Length of time in practice (years), mean (SD)

21.9 (7.9)

23.5 (8)

Type of practice, n (%)



4 (14.8)

3 (11.2)


16 (59.3)

12 (44.4)


7 (25.9)

12 (44.4)

Group practices, n (%)

16 (59.3)

19 (70.4)

Trainee supervisorsa n (%)

19 (70.4)

13 (48.2)

Number of patients included, mean (SD)

4.3 (2)

4.8 (1.8)

  1. aTrainee supervisors were general practitioners (GPs) involved in teaching, GPs who were university lecturers or those who received students for internship; SD standard deviation