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Table 5 Design as beneficial; ‘worth it’

From: A qualitative study exploring the acceptability of the McNulty-Zelen design for randomised controlled trials evaluating educational interventions

Z12, NURSE: “As long as there’s some useful information that comes from it, I’ve got no personal objections to being part of trial that somebody else has, that the PCT have agreed to.”


S5, REC CHAIR: “I happen to think that the benefits far, far outweigh any of the disadvantages of this particular study”


S2, COMPREHENSIVE LOCAL RESEARCH NETWORK RESEARCH, MANAGEMENT AND GOVERNANCE (RM&G) MANAGER: “They [GP staff] can see reasons for it then I think that would probably justify it.”


Gives a realistic picture and strong evidence:


Z17, NURSE: “Because it doesn’t give you um a rose coloured view of what’s going on it gives you the true picture.”


S4, PUBLIC HEALTH COMMISSIONING MANAGER - SEXUAL HEALTH: “You should get just a pure result depending on the intervention, yes not based on … any sort of self-selection or wanting to achieve, … a better result because you are in a trial … so I think that is a huge advantage of this [design].”


S6, ASSISTANT JOINT COMMISSIONING MANAGER: “I think … if people don’t know that they’re involved then they carry on with their normal behaviour regardless, and therefore arguably you get a truer picture of .what they do and how they go about doing it, um without behaviour modifications to conform to um any expectations from a study being carried out.”


Z8, NURSE: “The audit is always going to be accurate and valid …because we didn’t know what was going on and we were unaware that we were being visited. I think the information gleaned can then be very accurate.”


Less skewed selection of practices:


S1, PCRN SENIOR RESEARCH OFFICER: “Because if you did approach the practice then obviously you get those that are interested in and have a particular interest in chlamydia screening or who knew their practice were quite good at, at doing what they’re supposed to be doing, so it could skew the study result. Um so I think it was a good way of um getting a sort of cross section of the practices really, rather than just those who had a particular interest.”


Z6, GP: “It would have been an additional inconvenience if () asked for consent”