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Table 4 Single and multiple multilevel mediator models for the association between intervention and change in distress (K10) controlling for age, home ownership and employment

From: Analysis of the psychological impact of a vascular risk factor intervention: results from a cluster randomized controlled trial in Australian general practice


Single –mediator model

Multiple-mediator model

αβ (SE)

95% CI of αβ

Z (P)

αβ (SE)

95% CI of αβ

Z (P)

Change in:


Diet score

-0.137 (0.075)


-1.833 (0.066 )

-0.172 (0.089)


-1.930 (0.053)


0.014 (0.024)


0.568 (0.570)

-0.008 (0.019)


-0.405 (0.686)

Physical activity score

-0.007 (0.018)


-0.388 (0.698)

-0.013 (0.025)


-0.504 (0.614)

Alcohol score

-0.027 (0.035)


-0.749 (0.454)

-0.019 (0.031)


-0.623 (0.534)

  1. Notes: Multilevel regression models were adjusted for age, home ownership, employment and within-practice clustering effects.
  2. α estimate of intervention effect on change score of behavioural factors.
  3. β estimate of the independent effect of the change mediator score on change K10 score (controlling for intervention).
  4. αβ (mediated effect) product-of-coefficient estimate.
  5. SE standard error.
  6. 95% CI of αβ 95% confidence interval of the mediated effect.
  7. z standard deviate associated with mediated effect (used for significance testing).