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Figure 1 | BMC Family Practice

Figure 1

From: The disappearance of the “revolving door” patient in Scottish general practice: successful policies

Figure 1

Estimates of the standardised mortality ratio (SMR; the number of deaths observed per 100 expected) among the 410 record-linked “revolving door” patients relative to the general Scottish population in 2004, overall and in subgroups of age, sex and deprivation. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. The SMR estimates were adjusted for differences between the “revolving door” cohort and general Scottish population in the distributions of age (by 10-year age bands), sex and deprivation (by SIMD decile). The dashed line at SMR = 100 represents equivalence in mortality rate between the two populations; that is, if the adjusted death rates were the same in the two populations, the confidence intervals would be expected to overlap the dashed line.

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