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Table 3 Focus group interview guidebook

From: Explanation and relations. How do general practitioners deal with patients with persistent medically unexplained symptoms: a focus group study

What are the characteristics of patients with persistent MUS?

- Regarding patient characteristics?


- Regarding symptom characteristics?


- Do you have problems to recognize these patients?

How do you call patients with persistent MUS?

- Which terms do you use to characterize these patients?


- Which terms do you tell to your patients?

What's the aetiology of persistent MUS?

- What is the nature of these symptoms?


- When do patients experience these symptoms?


- Why do these symptoms persist for such a long time?

Do you explain the diagnosis persistent MUS to your patients?

- Do you think explanation is important in consultations with these patients?


-How do you explain the diagnosis persistent MUS to the patient?


-Which specific words do you use during explanation of the symptoms?

How do you manage patients with persistent MUS?

-How do you deliver health care to them?


-What do you do with requests for additional research?


-Which problems do you face in the management of these patients?


-How do you manage diagnostic uncertainty?


- Do you feel capable to manage these patients?

How do you describe the doctor-patient relationship with those patients?

-Is the doctor-patient relationship important, and why?


-Do you experience problems in the doctor-patient relationship?

How do you experience the MUS consultations?

- Which problems do you face during the MUS consultation?