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Table 3 Effect measures in trials with significant changes

From: The effect of feedback to general practitioners on quality of care for people with type 2 diabetes. A systematic review of the literature




Proces measures (pm) (no. of trials in which pm was included)

Foot examination

Kiefe [16]

OR 1,33; 95%CI 1,05–1,69


Glasgow [13]

RR 4,38; 95%CI 2,42–7,91; boc


Frijling [8]

OR 1,68; 95%CI 1,19–2,39

Hba1c measurement

Kiefe [16]

OR 1,33; 95%CI 1,04–1,69

Eye examination

Frijling [8]

OR 1,52; 95%CI 1,07–2,16.


Glasgow [13]

RR 1,79; 95%CI 1,20–2,68; boc

Influenza vaccination

Kiefe [16]

OR 1,57; 95%CI 1,26–1,96

Cholesterol measurement

Lobach [9]

duc, significant positive changes reported in text



HR 1,41; 95%CI 1,15–1,72

Blood glucose measurement

Kenealy [11]

Pt reminders OR 1,72; 95%CI 1,21–2,43


Kenealy [11]

Computer reminders OR 2,55; 95%CI 1,68–3,88


Kenealy [11]

Both reminders OR 1,69; 95%CI 1,11–2,59

Dietary advice

Glasgow [13]

p < 0,001;duc

Micro albumin measurement

Lobach [9]

duc, significant positive changes reported in text


Glasgow [13]

RR 3,97; 95%CI 2,22–7,10; boc

Outcome measures (OM) (No. of trials in which OM was included)

Level of blood pressure

De fine Olivarius [12]

Δ-5 mmHg; 95%CI -7,6 to -2,4


Hetlevik* [15]

Δ-2,3 mmHg; 95%CI -3,8 to -0,8


Phillips [7]

OR 1,19; 95%CI 1,07–1,32

Level of Hba1c.

Phillips [7]

OR 1,18; 95%CI 1,03–1,34


De fine Olivarius [12]

Δ-0,056%; 95%CI -0,081% to -0,031%

Level of cholesterol.

De fine Olivarius [12]

Δ-0,15 mmol/l; 95%CI -0,29 to -0,02

Aggregated measures (AM) (No. of trials in which AM was included)

Odds of receiving recommended care


OR 1,30; 95%CI 1,01–1,67

Compliance rate

Lobach [9]

32% vs. 15,6% (p = 0,02*), duc

Number of recommended lab assays

Glasgow [13]

F = 9,90, p < 0,001; duc

Patient Sataibisfaction

Glasgow [13]

F = 25,2, p < 0,001;duc

  1. boc = Based on own calculations on data extracted from paper. duc = Data unavailable for further calculations. OR = Odds ratio. HR = Hazard ratio. RR = Relative risk. * = Electronic feedback